LinkedIn – The Neighborly Social Network

Social media is digital space where people go to network and interact with other users, as well as get news about events going on in the world. However, social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are becoming a less trustworthy place to network or receive information, due to the large amounts of fake users and fake news being spread. Nevertheless, where other social media platforms have failed, LinkedIn has succeeded.

What are the benefits of using LinkedIn vs other social networks?


Users Are Friendlier 

On most social networks you can find negative comments, bad language, and trolls. However, in LinkedIn the atmosphere is much different. In the newsletter, Big Technology, Alex Kantrowitz, states, “On LinkedIn, being a jerk has consequences. It threatens your ability to get your next job, strike your next partnership, or find your next customer. You use your real identity there, and what you say has ramifications. This encourages people to pick their fellow users up, not tear them down.”

A Better Business Model 

The thing about Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms is that consumers are primarily there to be entertained. People log in to their social media accounts to escape the stresses of life by watching fun videos or chatting with friends. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is different. People are there for a purpose – valuable information, leads, jobs, and career advancement. This equates to LinkedIn users being more suitable for business needs. They won’t mind seeing ads on their feed if it is relevant, interesting, or engaging. Facebook users may be a bit more annoyed about seeing ads while they’re scrolling on their news feed. The way the Facebook algorithm is set up, users will see ads at the top of their news feed if they are part of the target audience for the ad.

Higher Quality Content 

Today, when people are looking for trending topics or relevant news they go to social media. In fact, the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer found that two-thirds of adults get their news from social media – but 73% of people are worried fake news is being weaponized. However, a report from The Business Insider showed that LinkedIn remained #1 when it comes to legitimacy. The report also found that there was only a 2% chance for members to post deceptive content on LinkedIn compared to a 42% chance on Facebook. Twitter didn’t fare any better. According to Twitter, the question, “Why is this trending?” was tweeted more than half a million times from September 2019 to September 2020.

Safer Sharing 

A survey done by the Business Insider showed that 49% of respondents said they feel very or extremely safe participating or posting on LinkedIn. Users feel safe sharing and posting content on LinkedIn versus platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where you might receive hateful and offensive speech from things you post.

LinkedIn is great platform for any business or creator to use for expanding a brand and reaching more people. The community of LinkedIn is a safe place to share content and connect with people of similar interests. It is also a good source for receiving relevant and trustworthy news on various topics. There is no other social network like LinkedIn, and it is one to appreciate.



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